


AJAX progress indicator
  • 301 Redirect
    A permanent redirect from one URL to another, usually from your old website to the new website.
  • 404 Page
    The page a user sees when they try to reach a non-existent page on your website.
  • Above the Fold
    A term derived from the print advertising industry. It describes the area of a web page that’s visible before the website visitor scrolls down the page. Note: There is no set pixel size for the fold; it will vary depending on the visitor’s screen size and resolution.
  • Accordion/Z Fold
    A style of folding in which the paper is folded in a Z formation. The amount of panels typically ranges from 3 to 5 panels and when folded, mimics that of accordion bellows, hence the name.
  • Account Management
    The process by which the account manager is in contact with the client.
  • Account Manager
    This person is responsible for: working directly with the client (via phone calls, email correspondence, and in-person meetings) by answering any questions about time frames, presenting print estimates, updating on progress, sending layouts, and coordinating information and changes or clarifications requested to the project manager.
  • Advertising Campaign
    An organized and purposeful course of action to promote a product or service through multiple media vehicles (e.g.- print, web, billboard, televison, social media).
  • Alt-Text
    Alt-Text is the descriptive text for an image displayed when a link is broken. Alt-text is useful for SEO because search engines “see” images by reading their alt-text to show relevant content for searchers based on the keywords present in alt-text.
  • Analytics
    Analytics provide a way to review activity on a platform or post, to determine both paid and unpaid (organic) results, and can include engagement metrics such as clicks, replies, mentions, likes or follows, and help show a post's or platform's ROI, opportunities for improvement, and where goals are being met.
  • Anchor Text / Anchor Link
    Anchor text, or an anchor link, is the visible, linked text typically used by external sites to refer visitors to additional content. Search engines use anchor text to determine the importance of the referring site and the relevance of the content of the referred site’s landing page. It is also used internally (on-page) to quickly leap a visitor from one section to another.
  • Animated GIF
    A small animation that loops information based on continuous images or video. Animated GIF's allow you to showcase multiple messages within a small area.
  • Ascender
    The part of a lowercase letter that extends above the x height. These letters are b, d, f, h, i, j, k, l and t.
  • Avatar
    This is a visual image used to represent an individual or a brand on a given social media platform.
  • Average Position
    This refers to the average ad ranking of paid search text ads over a given period of time. In Google, there are 3 positions on the top of the page, and typically another 5 positions on the bottom of the page.
  • Back End Programmer
    This person is responsible for: programming and coding websites on the server-side for everything the user can't see, including SEO elements, databases, and servers.
  • Back End Development
    Server-side development that refers to everything that goes on behind the scenes, including databases and servers.
  • Backlink / Referral Link
    A backlink, or referral link, is any link to a page from either an external site or from another internal page. External backlinks are useful for SEO to help build domain authority.
  • Bio
    Short for "biography", a bio gives a brief introduction on a social media platform to an individual or brand.
  • Black Hat SEO
    Black Hat SEO has been used to manipulate search engine rankings by providing false information, keywords, or links, making a page or site seem more relevant or more authoritative than its provided content.
  • Bleed
    The area ouside of the trim size that ensures an image or color will extend to the edge of the printed piece.
  • Blog
    A blog is any collection of articles on a website.
  • Bounce Rate
    An analytics term used to reveal how many page visits resulted in the visitor immediately leaving the site, or "bouncing". Too high or too low rates suggest a need for review.
  • Brand Awareness
    The extent or level to which a potential consumer can recall and identify a particular product or service. Increased brand awareness is one of the two customary important goals for a digital advertising campaign (the other being a conversion of some kind).
  • Breadcrumbs
    Breadcrumbs are linked keywords on website pages showing your progress to the current page. Breadcrumbs make it easy for website visitors to find their way around. They are typically found at the top of page content, but below a website menu.
  • Browser
    The program a website visitor is using to view the website. Examples include Google Chrome, Safari, and Firefox.
  • Cache
    Files that are saved or copied by a web browser so that the next time a user visits the site, the page loads faster.
  • Case Study
    Formal research of an instance, person, group, or situation over a period of time, used to analyze and illustrate development.
  • Chicago Screw Binding
    Also known as a post and screw, this type of fastener has a barrel-shaped flange and protruding boss that is internally threaded. This binding is usually placed in a corner so that the finished piece can fan out, like in paint swatch booklets.
  • Cloud Technologies / Storage
    Storing and accessing data and programs over the internet, instead of a computer's harddrive.
  • Content Management System (CMS)
    A software application that is used to create and manage digital content. WordPress, Magento, Drupal, and Joomla are all examples of a CMS. To utilize for Social Media, you can use applications such as Hootsuite, to draft, schedule, and edit content and to track analytics.
  • CMYK/4 Color Process
    The printing technique that utilizes four colors: Cyan, Yellow, Magenta, and Black to produce a full color image.
  • Coatings
    A clear finish, either glossy or matte, used on printed products for protection or to achieve certain visual effects.
  • Color Mode
    A way to define color within a digital file. Common color modes are CMYK (print), RGB (computer screen), and HEX (web).
  • Color Palette
    A range of colors used in a design. These colors are usually used in a heirarcy and help to establish a brand or importance.
  • Content Calendar
    This is a list used to track themed social media posts and plan ahead for a brand's individual platforms.
  • Content Curation
    Content curation is researching on the web to find relevant content to share (repost or reshare) to help build a following, by establishing industry authority and influence.
  • Content Marketing
    This is the act of creating new content to share on social media.
  • Content and Duplicate Content
    Content is any part of the website’s design elements and text, including forms, links, and images. SEO content should be unique and not duplicated to receive the highest ranking by search engines and should always be relevant and useful to the brand’s audience and visitors.
  • Contextual Targeting
    Advertising that is targeted to a user based on their identity gathered from cookies.
  • Conversions
    An action taken by a visitor who arrived on a website from social media and completed a tracked goal, such as newsletter signup, content download, or sale.
  • Cookie
    A cookie is used to store information about the user of a website for use at a later time. Often cookies are used to store your preferences, or to customize the experience for an individual user.
  • Copy
    The written part of your website, brochure, or publication.
  • Copywriter
    This person is responsible for: researching the industry, creating copy for projects to engage the reader with valuable content, and working with the project manager, proofreader, creative director, senior graphic designer, and programmers to ensure consistent messaging across the client's brand.
  • Cover Photo or Banner
    A cover photo or banner is used at the header of a website page on a social media platform to help represent an individual or business.
  • Cost-Per-Thousand (CPM)
    An advertising pricing model that charges advertisers every time an ad is displayed to a user, whether the user clicks on the ad or not. The fee is based on every 1,000 ad impressions. Most display ads (banner ads) are sold based on a CPM rate.
  • Creative Direction
    The process by which the creative director coordinates with the designers, programmers, and copywriters.
  • Creative Director
    This person is responsible for: working with designers, artists, copywriters, and the project manager to create a vision for projects, overseeing the creative process, and giving guidance to the designers.
  • Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
    The language used to define the look and feel of a website.
  • Click-Through-Rate (CTR)
    Commonly known as CTR, it is the rate at which a searcher clicks "through" a link returned in the list of the SERPs to land on a website page.
  • Decender
    The part of a lowercase letter that extends below the x height. These letters are g, j, p, q, y.
  • Die Cut
    A cut shape or shapes in the material being used, normally paper, to create a unique effect.
  • Direct Message (DM)
    A direct message (DM) is used on Twitter to privately message a follower. It can only be sent and received to mutual followers.
  • Domain Name System (DNS)
    The DNS translates the domain name that we use into an IP Address.
  • Domain Authority
    Domain authority is a calculated metric used to measure how well a domain is likely to rank in search engine results. It includes key factors of age, size, and the authority of external referral links, among many other factors.
  • Domain Name
    The text address used to identify a website. It is part of the Website's URL. For example, in, is the domain name.
  • Dot Gain
    The absorbtion and expansion of ink into the paper it is being printed on.
  • Double Gate Fold
    A style of folding in which the paper is folded in on itself twice to form 8 panels once the piece is opened.
  • Dots Per Inch (DPI) | Pixels Per Inch (PPI)I
    DPI (Dots Per Inch), PPI (Pixels Per Inch) both refer to the resolution of an image. Where DPI is based on the printed material, PPI is based on pixel density of an electronic image device, such as a computer monitor.
  • Duotone
    The printing of an image or type using only two colors.
  • eCommerce
    This stands for Electronic Commerce. It is the buying and selling of goods and services, and the transfer of funds through digital communications. Other spellings include Ecommerce, E-Commerce, e-commerce.
  • Encoded Content
    From an SEO perspective, encoded content includes the HTML code to designate information for search engines, such as page title, meta description and htag hierarchy. It is used to teach search engines what the important content is on a page to help with ranking the content for searchers.
  • Engagement
    A level of analytics used to measure how many of a social media profile's posts are being replied to, liked, clicked, or otherwise engaged with.
  • Favicon
    A small icon that is associated with a specific website, usually containing the company logo or a variation of the logo. The favicon is displayed in either the title bar or tab of the browser.
  • Feed
    A feed is the visible stream of content on a given profile and platform.
  • File Formats
    A standard way that information is encoded for storage in a computer file. Some formats focus on file size, where others focus on preserving the image at it's highest quality. Common file formats are: EPS (Encapsulated Post Script), GIF (Graphics Interchange Format), JPG (Joint Photographic experts Group), PDF (Portable Document Format), PNG (Portable Network Graphics), PSD (PhotoShop Document), TIFF (Tag Image File Format).
  • Flash
    Flash is a multimedia software platform that uses text, vector graphics and raster graphics to produce animations, games, and applications. In 2014, Google issued mobile Flash warnings when searchers found a result that led to a site made mostly in Adobe Flash, because Flash was not compatible with all mobile devices.
  • Follower
    A follower is someone who subscribes to or "follows" a social media profile.
  • Friend
    On Facebook, a friend is a profile (individual or brand) who follows another profile.
  • Front End (Web) Developer
    This person is responsible for: developing and coding pages to mimic the client-approved designs provided by the project manager, installing plugins and other aspects that users can see and directly interact with.
  • Front End Development
    Client-side development that refers to anything on a website that the user can see and directly interact with, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
    A standard network protocol used to transfer computer files between client and server on a computer network. Common examples of FTP clients include FileZilla, Cyberduck, and FireFTP.
  • Gate Fold
    A style of folding in which the paper is folded in on itself to form 4 panels once the piece is opened.
  • Geo-Targeting
    Delivery of ads specific to the geographic location of the searcher/user. This allows the advertiser to specify where ads will or won’t be shown based on the searcher’s location, enabling more localized and relevant results.
  • Goal Conversion and Conversion Rate
    Conversion is when a website visitor meets a pre-determined and tracked analytics goal. Conversion rate is the percentage of number of page visitors divided by how many reached that goal, or "converted".
  • Hashtag
    Known outside of social media as a pound sign, a hashtag is a social media organizational system used to tag a keyword or phrase in a post by preceding it with "#". It helps the content to be found by people with similar interests who may not be following a social media profile and is also used to track specific themes for analytics or research. Examples include: #latefordinner, #bestdad, #advantaadvertising.
  • Heat Map
    A heat map is a visual representation of a visitor's interaction on a webpage, whether scrolling, reading, clicking, or otherwise engaging with a website. It is a useful SEO tool to discover what is and isn't working from a user's perspective to make website design or content improvements.
  • Hierarchy
    A group of items that are divided into different levels. For instance, a news article is broken into a headline, sub headline, and body copy in order to organize the content visually.
  • Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)
    A cross-platform language used for creating and structuring web pages.
  • Information architecture (IA)
    The art and science of organizing and labeling websites, online communities, and software to support usability.
  • Impressions
    For social media, this is the measurement of the number of times a post is displayed, usually referring to paid content or ads. In SEO, analytics list the number of impressions or pageviews for how many times a page was listed in a Search Engine Results Page (SERP) (as well as the keyword it was returned for).
  • Indexed
    This is when a webpage or website has been crawled by a search engine bot and is now returned in SERPs. When a webpage or website is crawled by a search engine, the engine's algorithm determines whether the page is worth indexing, for what keywords or phrases, search demographic, and where to rank it.
  • Influencers
    Influencers are those in an industry who have a large number of followers and who social media managers may seek to engage with to help build a following of their own.
  • Internet Protocol (IP) Address
    A unique string of numbers separated by periods that identifies each computer or device using the Internet Protocol to communicate over a network.
  • JavaScript
    A scripting language commonly used to create interactive effects on websites.
  • Kerning
    The space between each individual letter.
  • Keyword Analysis
    Keyword analysis is research completed to determine what industry terms may be relevant for a given audience and used to inform a web page's content with that goal in mind.
  • Keyword Density
    Keyword density is used to measure how often a term appears on a page or domain and can provide insight as to whether a page is useful for its content.
  • Keyword Stuffing
    Keyword stuffing is improper use of keywords in websites attempting to draw visitors from keyword searches on search engines.
  • Keyword or Keyword Phrase
    A keyword or keyword phrase is a branded or industry-relevant term or phrase used to teach search engines what a page is about, to draw interested visitors from organic search results.
  • Landing Page
    A landing page is the page where a visitor lands after clicking from an external site, such as a search engine or a referring site. It is used to measure analytics including sales funnels and paid campaigns or external campaigns.
  • Leading
    The space between each line of copy.
  • Like
    A positive action taken on a post or profile to show approval or support. Facebook is known for it's "thumbs-up" likes, Twitter and Instagram use hearts to show "likes".
  • Link Building
    Link building has been historically misused in SEO to manipulate SERPs rankings. Black hat techniques included buying links, linked spam comments in blogs and forums, or fake online profiles linked to a site to provide a false impression of a site's authority or value. Link building is positively used to provide relevant internal links to help users navigate through a site and externally to refer users to relevant third-party content. Link building from authoritative sites can improve a site's or page's own authority.
  • Live Area
    The area of the printed piece where all essential information should be placed. This is usually slightly smaller than the trim size.
  • Long-tail Keyword
    Long-tail keywords are three-or-more-keyword phrases searched on a search engine and are useful to draw highly interested visitors to a site. Though the visitors are fewer, visits typically lead to higher conversion rates.
  • Margins
    The part of a page that is above, below, or to the side of the printed area. These areas are defined by visible guidelines in a page layout program and are not printed.
  • Mechanical
    The final file sent to the printer with all assets associated with it. The final mechanical file differs from all others, as it is produced with the printing process in mind, checking for items like image resolution, image color modes, proper trim size, and content review.
  • Mention
    A mention is a tagged reference to a username in a third-party post which is linked to that referenced profile.
  • Meta tags
    Meta tags include page titles, meta descriptions, and meta keywords, sometimes referred to as "encoded content".
  • Microsite
    A website, distinct and separate from an organization’s main site, that delivers more focused, relevant content about a specific topic or to a targeted audience, or even just requiring a defined action.
  • Negative Space
    Also called white space, this is an area that is intentionally left blank and can be used as its own element or to define other elements in a design. The space usually allows for the design to breathe and is used as a resting place for the viewer's eye.
  • Net (15, 30)
    The time frame in which payment is due, the number detailing how many standard days until the due date.
  • Nofollow
    Nofollow tells search engine bots to not relate an internal page to pages that link out of the internal page.
  • Noindex
    Noindex code is used to tell a search engine bot to not index the page, so it cannot be found in searches.
  • Out of Pocket (OOP)
    The expense to be reimbursed by the client for costs pertaining to the job, such as postage, printing, and materials needed.
  • Out of Scope (OOS)
    Any work that is considered outside of the statement of work presented via estimate or proposal, which will result in a change of costs to the original statement.
  • Page Authority
    Page authority is a measurement to help indicate whether a page is likely to be returned well in SERPs. A website's page authority is determined by a variety of factors and measured by third-party tools, like Moz-bar.
  • Paid Search
    The paid media practices of search engine marketing (SEM) , where an advertiser bids for the chance to have their ad display when a user searches for a given keyword. These are usually text ads, which are displayed above the organic search results.
  • Spot Color/Pantone
    A color generated by an ink, weather pure, or mixture. Spot colors allow for a more precise color without screens or dots that are created during CMYK/4 color process printing. Pantone is a color matching system of spot colors.
  • Paper Stock
    The different types of paper that can be printed on, which can range in color, thinckness, and texture.
  • Payment Terms
    The conditions by which payment is to be made, including time frames payment is due and form of payment.
  • Perfect Bound
    Also known as adhesive binding, this binding style applies an adhesive to the spine of collated pages. The adhesive, when dry, keeps them pages securely bound. The binding is commonly used on paperback books.
  • Perforations
    A series of small holes that allow a part of the page to be removed by the user.
  • Persona
    A fictitious identity that reflects one of the user groups for whom you are designing.
  • Platform Requirements
    Platform requirements in social media follow a variety of parameters, which can include use of hashtags or character or image limits.
  • Platform or Channel
    A social media platform, or channel, is one branded site to share posts, such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+, Instagram, YouTube.
  • Post
    A post is the individual content shared on social media.
  • Pay-Per-Click (PPC)
    Paid SEM where advertisers pay each time selected keywords from the ad are clicked from SERPs. Cost-Per-Click and Pay-Per-Click are interchangeable terms.
  • Precautionary Pages
    Disclaimer and Privacy Policy pages
  • Print Management
    The process by which the production manager coordinates with the print vendor.
  • Production Manager
    This person is responsible for: coordinating with the project manager the specs of the desired end result, making recommendations for card stock weight and color options based on client preference and budget, obtaining print estimates from a selected vendor, coordinating with the senior graphic designer to prepare final design files in a press-ready format, QA review of the mechanical files, and monitoring the vendor to ensure the project is printed correctly and on time.
  • Profile
    A profile is an individual person or brand's representation on a social media channel.
  • Project Management
    The process by which the project manager coordinates with the account manager internally.
  • Project Manager
    This person is responsible for: coordinating and presenting details of projects, including time allotted, budget, and goals, to the creative director and senior graphic designer, ensuring deadlines are being met and information is being correctly relayed between the creative team and account manager, and performing QA reviews of all projects being produced before the account manager submits to the client.
  • Proof
    A representation of the final printed piece for approval before the printing process occurs. This is used as a safegard to ensure there are no overlooked items in the design and content of the piece.
  • Proofreader
    This person is responsible for: performing QA reviews on all copy at the last stage of production to ensure consistency in formatting and correct spelling/ typography.
  • Quality Score
    A score assigned by search engines (Google) that is calculated by measuring an ad’s click-through rate, the relevance of the landing page, and other factors used to determine the quality of a site in order to reward those of higher quality with top placement and lower bid requirements. Some factors that make up a quality score are historical keyword performance, the quality of an ad’s landing page, and other undisclosed attributes by the major search engines.
  • Reach
    Reach is a level of analytics to determine how many people saw a given social media post.
  • Redirect
    A redirect is a code provided to indicate to a search engine and browser what page to load if there is new, more relevant, or updated content.
  • Registration
    The method of overlapping colors to produce one single image or color.
  • Reply
    A reply is a response posted to address another social media profile on a platform publicly, unlike a DM.
  • Resolution
    The amount of detail an image contains. The higher the detail, or resolution of an image, the better the image produces. Printed materials are usually reproduced at 300 DPI, where website images are 72 PPI.
  • Retargeting or Remarketing
    Retargeting, or remarketing, content in social media is a way to tailor content to a certain platform's requirements or for a certain platform's audience to repurpose it.
  • Retweet (RT)
    This is an action on Twitter, which is both the act of sharing another profile's post and the post itself.
  • Robots.txt
    Robots.txt is a text file created to instruct search engine bots how to crawl a site and index pages.
  • Return on Investment (ROI)
    Return on Investment of a website is determined by tracked goal conversions and conversion rates in a website's analytics. It can have a dollar value or be a simple, numerical goal.
  • Saddle Stitch Binding
    A type of binding in which folded sheets of paper are collated and then held together by a stitch, commonly a metal staple, that is inserted through the folded line of the pages.
  • Sans Serif Font
    Sans meaning without, is a the absence of short decorative lines on a font. Sans serif fonts usually convey a clean, modern look. Examples of sans serif font would be Helvetica and Gotham.
  • Script Font
    A font that uses calligraphy or cursive writing style. The letters are usually connected by a curved line. The feel of these fonts can range from casual to extravagance. Examples of script font would be Mission Script and Edwardian Script.
  • Search Engine (SE)
    Search Engines are website programs coded with algorithms to return websites and their pages in a ranked list based upon searched keywords and phrases. For example,
  • Search Query
    The actual word(s) or phrase that is typed into the search engine in order to get relevant search engine results. When you start to type into the search engine query box, predictive search query suggestions will show for searches to select from.
  • Selfie
    A selfie is a self-portrait often taken on a smartphone and posted on social media.
  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
    Increasing website traffic by purchasing ads on search engines. It is typically used to compete more effectively for non-branded, specific industry keywords in SERPs or to rapidly increase traffic.
  • Senior Graphic Designer
    This person is responsible for: conceptualizing and implementing designs, supervising creative concepts, comps, layouts, and final art mechanicals.
  • SEO Analyst
    This person is responsible for: optimizing websites for the purpose of finding, attracting, and engaging users, developing and executing strategies with copywriters and programmers for inproving the client's search engine rankings with text, links, navigation, and design, and monitoring the metrics to determine the success of efforts.
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
    The practice of creating encoded content to provide a positive user experience and communicate with search engines to return the site well in search results.
  • Serif Font
    A font with short decorative lines at the end of either horizontal or vertical lines. Serif fonts are traditionally easier to read as they give the eye various unique shapes to look at. Examples of serif fonts would be Garamond or Times.
  • Search Engine Results Page (SERP)
    This is the page returned on a search engine as a list of ranked links and paid ads after a user inputs keywords or phrases.
  • Share
    The act of posting another profile's content is to share it. Also "reshare", "retweet", "repost", or "regram".
  • Site Map (See also Sitemap)
    A Site map is a visitor-friendly page listing hyperlinked page titles of the entire website. It is different from an XML Sitemap.
  • Sitemap
    A model of a website's content designed to help both users and search engines navigate the site. A sitemap can be a hierarchical list of pages (with links) organized by topic, an organization chart, or an XML document that provides instructions to search engine crawl bots.
  • Social Media Management (SMM)
    This is a way for a person or brand to publicly interact via one or multiple social media platforms. It is typically accomplished by using a CMS, like Hootsuite, to manage posting to multiple social media profiles at once.
  • Social Media Marketing (SMM)
    This is the act of using social media by marketers to identify an audience, grow a following, build customer relationships and brand awareness, and to generate leads.
  • Social Media Specialist
    This person is responsible for: overseeing and implementing the client's social media activities, directly engaging with the client's online audience, researching and sharing relevant industry information, and providing analytics to determine the success of efforts.
  • Social Media
    Social Media works hand-in-hand with SEO to provide a managed, sometimes curated, public voice for a person or brand. It improves SEO by using the authority of the social media platform to point a link back to the person's or brand's website. Social media profiles are well ranked on SERPs and improve CTR in a branded search.
  • Scope of Work (SOW)
    The division of work to be performed for the completion of the project, typically broken out into phases or specific tasks, with estimated dates of completion or a timeline.
  • Spam
    Spam is useless or even damaging content that fills up a social media feed.
  • Spider bots
    Spider bots are programs, sometimes called "spiders", "bots", "robots" or "crawlers" which search engines use to search the web automatically for content to return in search engine results pages (SERPs).
  • Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
    A protocol to enable encrypted communications across the internet. It provides privacy, authentication, and message integrity. A URL that begins with https is a clue that an SSL connection is being used on the website.
  • SWOT Analysis
    Determining an organization’s Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.
  • Tag
    A tag is a keyword in a social media post used to help categorize its content, it may use a hashtag or not. It can also mean to notify someone by "tagging" their profile by their username.
  • Text Link
    A text link is clickable text, and can be a word, phrase, or sentence to offer related content or additional information to a visitor, and may internally or externally.
  • Time on Page
    Analytics used to determine how long a website visitor remained on one page. It is typically used in conjunction with heat mapping to determine the value of a page.
  • Tracking
    The space between the letters in a word as a whole.
  • Tri Fold
    A style of folding in which the paper is folded in on itself to form three panels once the piece is opened.
  • Trim Size
    The final dimensions of the printed piece when completed.
  • Typographic Alignment
    The proper positioning of elements or copy in relation to each other. This term is usually referring to type or body copy and is broken into four main categories: flush left, flush right, centered, and justified.
  • Typography
    The style, arrangement, or appearance of printed letters on a page.
  • Unfollow, unsubscribe, unfriend
    To unfollow, unsubscribe, or unfriend is to stop following or remove a profile from another profile's list of contacts or followers in their feed.
  • Uniform Resource Locator (URL)
    Commonly referred to as web addresses, URLs serve as the address for all documents on the internet. is the URL for Advanta Advertising's home page. An SEO-friendly URL uses keywords, hyphens between words, and can show search engines which pages of duplicate content should be displayed in search results.
  • Usability Testing
    A technique used in user-centered interaction design to evaluate a product by testing it on users.
  • Usability
    The ease of use and learnability of an object, such as a book, software application, website, machine, tool, or any object that a human interacts with.
  • User-centred design
    A design process during which the needs of the user are considered at all times. Designers consider how a user is likely to use the product, and they then test the validity of their assumptions in real world tests with actual users.
  • User Experience (UX)
    User Experience Design, or UX, encompasses all aspects of the end-user's interaction with the company, its services, and its products. The primary focus is on the user's journey to solve a problem and the organization of the elements that will aid them in accomplishing their goals.
  • User Flow
    A step-by-step guide explaining how the user can accomplish a desired task. It is a visual representation of actions the user needs to take to get from point A to point B.
  • User Interface (UI)
    User Interface Design, or UI, is the visual look and feel of the elements created for a product with the focus on maximizing usability and the user experience.
  • Username or Handle
    A username or handle is the account name on a social media platform. Advanta's Twitter username is @advantadesign.
  • Vendor
    A business that sells a particular type of product or service, in this case, printing services.
  • White Hat SEO
    White Hat SEO focuses on the value and relevance of a website and its content to a visitor, through the eyes of that visitor. Its goal is to provide opportunities for engagement with relevant information within the realm of SEO best practices.
  • Wireframe
    A visual guide for the layout of a website or application.
    Short for "What You See Is What You Get" and refers to HTML editors, often used in a CMS, that displays text and images as they appear on your site, with colors, fonts, styling, etc.
  • X Height
    The height of the lowecase letters, usually defined by the letter "x".