Thank you to all of the individuals, teams, companies, and industry peers who have banded together to help Advanta make it through this past year. We are grateful for the countless people, hours, the therapeutics you research, discover, formulate, develop and manufacture that will continue to help doctors, nurses, and front liners to aid in the welfare of the unnamed and faceless patients, families, advocates, and loved ones on their individual healthcare journeys. Any way you slice it, it wouldn’t be possible without you!
“Knowing that I am with a great team that supports my everyday tasks and my personal growth within the company is a lot to be thankful for. Also, being led by one of the most encouraging and appreciative people I have ever worked with is very special during these times.”
“I am grateful to have a kind team that encourages teamwork and creativity.”
“Thankful to wake up every day knowing that I work with a great team of professionals that care about one another, the work they perform, our clients, and the world around them. Knowing our contributions will make a difference in people’s lives.”
“I am grateful that Advanta placed a precedence on keeping employees and their families safe during COVID, by allowing us to work from home. It was not an easy transition and it took faith, understanding and patience.”
“Helping our clients with their online presences and continue to grow their businesses is fulfilling. Helping them reach their customer is something I look forward to when working with them.”
“Working with companies that help in the process of developing life-changing therapeutics, especially during COVID, allows each project to feel very groundbreaking and important.”
“Grateful to and for our long term earned clients that possess a passion for safe therapeutic and medical device development-driven toward the welfare of the patient and their families. Working within an industry that can make a genuine difference in people’s lives and humanity as a whole.”
“I have always loved working in the marketing and design industries, because it allows me to be creative with the suggestions we give and how they are implemented.”
“This year I am extremely grateful for the health and happiness of family and friends.”
“Overwhelmingly grateful for the love of my family (present and past), of health, animals, country, the sciences, and the arts. Not to forget to mention all who have put their lives at risk to serve, protect and help others selflessly.”
“This year I am grateful for the health and well-being of my family, friends and my little fur buddy, Mac!”
“Thankful that my loved ones are healthy during this season and even though we are not together physically we still get in touch with each other regularly.”