Once upon a time, there was a teensy-weensy little girl named Goldielocks, you remember her, she was the headstrong 30 years old trapped in a 7-year-old body spritely traveling on a mission through what appears to be a not so scary forest. Who woulda thunk it? She realized what she wanted and knew where she could find it, and wasn’t afraid to get it. Okay, she was kind enough to knock before she entered the Bear residence, but all the same, Goldie’s spirit shined like her beautiful locks, she had an overabundance of determination, and she made her voice heard, loud and clear.
“This porridge is too hot, too cold, and on the third taste test, ahhh just right,” she knows yummy porridge when she tastes it (and guess what, she’ll be sure to tell her friends).
“This chairs too big, too hard, and on the third seating, ahh just right,” this princess knows what comfort feels like when her tuckus touches a cathedra. Yes, I said cathedra (it's a fancy-schmancy chair for royalty, anyway that is what she thought she was, right?)
Now I don’t know about you, but with all the cool forest walking and a stocking, eating, and sitting and who could forget, voicing her opinions, she was pooped, and nap time had her name written alllll over it.
Yes, you know the rest of the story; she complained until she found just the right snuggly bed that fit her specific downy comfort needs and exclaimed, you got it, “this third bed is JUST RIGHT.”
Needless to say, the bears were not happy when they got home to discover the tornado that befell their humble abode, and a lot of growling occurred.
The moral of this story is if Goldielocks were around today equipped with a smartphone in tote, her journey, experience, and voracious vocabulary would be plastered all over the place like the porridge she didn’t like shared and posted all over Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and TicToc. On the other hand, the Bears could look for a new home in a jiffy via the internet and share images of Goldie tearing off into the forest from whence she came and rent out their current abode on Airbnb. By the way, I heard they’re five star hosts.
Like Goldie, you don’t have to be afraid of posting on social media or the big bad wolf; that’s another story and for little red riding hood to worry about.
Shout, shout, let it all out; well, you don’t really need to shout as Advanta understands that there are many types of voices and ways to get the word out there and have your voice heard. Identifying the social media channels that are most beneficial to your company's growth and your clients' understanding of what you do, your offerings, and your core philosophy is essential. We have applied this approach to social media communications for life science, pharma, chemical, instrumentation, and biotechnology industries over 20 years.
So tell everyone what you're doing and what’s going on in your neck of the woods. It may just surprise you to know Red and Goldie are friends on Facebook, Mama Bear is a VP of Quality Control at Pfizer, Papa Bear is a clinical geneticist, and baby bear wants to be a chemist when he grows up! All currently available on SM grapevine. True dat!
Now that’s a smart approach to the science of your social media marketing.
Advanta understands the importance of having your voice heard and telling your story from your perspective. From Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram to TicToc, your company brand is the image and voice you present to the outside world. Our job is to ensure you are reaching the right audience and utilizing the right media channels to express yourself.
We’re listening, and your current and prospective clients will too. We know you want to be well “liked,” and to do so, it is a give and takes scenario. Advanta understands the science of “likes” and followers and prepares you with a strategy to communicate with your targeted audience within the life sciences, pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and technology industries. We will help you enhance customer service, build brand recognition, and create a social media presence that can generate a solid return on investment.
Our team of experts will set focused business goals and provide creative and engaging social media campaigns, including written content and graphics tailored for the industry. By preparing analytics reports to show growth and offer the option for managed Facebook ad space to generate more extensive engagement among peers, we’ll help your voice to be heard and your brand to be seen.
Social media services not only bring a personal voice to your brand but prepare you with a well-rounded, professional profile that generates conversations while building new industry relationships. Let us help you get your brand out there, socialize and mingle with your peers.
We can guide you in the social media process through the following services:
- Profile / Strategy Creation
- Creative Branded Campaigns
- Social Media Landing Page Graphics
- Creative Post & Meme Development
- Analytics Reporting
- Daily Interaction
We welcome the opportunity to learn about your next social media project or campaign and explore how our team can support your needs, vision, and corporate goals.
Please complete the brief form below, and we’ll respond quickly, either by phone or email. Or, you can contact us directly at (847) ADVANTA or via
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